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Perigrafi To AQUACHROM PRIMER ECO eínai oikologikí velatoúra neroú idanikí gia esoterikés xýlines epifáneies. Doulévetai éfkola, trívetai thavmásia kai échei megáli kalyptikótita. Exasfalízei tin téleia prósfysi tou telikoú chrómatos. Eínai to idanikó ypóstroma gia epifáneies pou váfontai me to oikologikó vernikóchroma neroú AQUACHROM ECO tis Vivechrom. Diatíthetai se lefkó, se syskevasíes ton 750ml kai 2,5lt. To AQUACHROM PRIMER ECO eínaipistopoiiméno apó to ASAOS kai pliroí ta kritíria tou Organismoú Aponomís Oikologikón Simáton tis Evropaïkís Énosis. Parousiázei exairetikí prósfysi se palaiá vernikochrómata dialýtou (ripolínes í ladompogiés). Chári stin eidikí tou sýnthesi prostatévei to chrísti kai de rypaínei to perivállon. Description AQUACHROM PRIMER ECO is an ecological water keel ideal for interior wood surfaces. It is easy to work, it is greatly rubbed and has a great cover. Ensures perfect adhesion of the final color. It is the ideal substrate for surfaces stained with Vivechrom's green AQUACHROM ECO water varnish. Available in white, in packs of 750ml and 2.5lt. AQUACHROM PRIMER ECO is certified by the ASAOS and meets the criteria of the European Union Organizing Agency. It exhibits excellent adhesion to old solvent varnish paints (ripples or oil paints). Thanks to its special composition it protects the user and does not pollute the environment.

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* If you choose cash on delivery is +5 € (excluding shipping costs)
